Source code for svvamp.Preferences.PopulationVMFHypersphere

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on oct. 31, 2014, 10:59 
Copyright François Durand 2014, 2015

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import itertools

import numpy as np

from svvamp.Preferences.Population import Population
from svvamp.Preferences.PopulationVMFAux import population_vmf_aux

[docs]class PopulationVMFHypersphere(Population):
_layout_name = 'Von Mises-Fisher on C-1-sphere' def __init__(self, V, C, vmf_concentration, vmf_probability=None, vmf_pole=None, stretching=1): """Population drawn with Von Mises-Fisher distributions on the C-1-sphere :param V: Integer. Number of voters. :param C: Integer. Number of candidates. :param stretching: Number between 0 and ``numpy.inf`` (both included). :param vmf_concentration: 1d array. Let us note ``k`` its size (number of 'groups'). ``vmf_concentration[i]`` is the VMF concentration of group ``i``. :param vmf_probability: 1d array. ``vmf_probability[i]`` is the probability, for a voter, to be in group ``i`` (up to normalization). If None, then groups have equal probabilities. :param vmf_pole: 2d array of size ``(k, C)``. ``vmf_pole[i, :]`` is the pole of the VMF distribution for group ``i``. :return: A :class:`~svvamp.Population` object. For each voter ``c``, we draw a group ``i`` at random, according to ``vmf_probability`` (normalized beforehand if necessary). Then, ``v``'s utility vector is drawn according to a Von Mises-Fisher distribution of pole ``vmf_pole[i, :]`` and concentration ``vmf_concentration[i]``, using Ulrich's method modified by Wood. Once group ``i`` is chosen, then up to a normalization constant, the density of probability for a unit vector ``x`` is ``exp(vmf_concentration[i] vmf.pole[i, :].x)``, ``where vmf.pole[i, :].x`` is a dot product. Then, ``v``'s utility vector is sent onto the spheroid that is the image of the sphere by a dilatation of factor ``stretching`` along the direction [1, ..., 1]. For example, if ``stretching = 1``, we stay on the unit sphere of :math:`\\mathbb{R}^C`. Cf. working paper Durand et al. 'Geometry on the Utility Sphere'. N.B.: if ``stretching != 1``, it amounts to move the poles. For example, if the pole [1, 0, 0, 0] is given and ``stretching = 0``, then the actual pole will be [0.75, - 0.25, - 0.25, - 0.25] (up to a multiplicative constant). poles are normalized before being used. So, the only source of concentration for group ``i`` is ``vmf_concentration[i]``, not the norm of ``vmf_pole[i]``. If ``vmf_pole`` is ``None``, then each pole is drawn independently and uniformly on the sphere. References: Ulrich (1984) - Computer Generation of Distributions on the m-Sphere Wood (1994) - Simulation of the von Mises Fisher distribution """ # Ensure that _vmf_concentration is an np.array # Compute k, its size. self._log_depth = 0 self._log_identity = "Population_VMF_Hypersphere" if (isinstance(vmf_concentration, list) or isinstance(vmf_concentration, np.ndarray)): _vmf_concentration = np.array(vmf_concentration) else: _vmf_concentration = np.array([vmf_concentration]) k = len(_vmf_concentration) self._mylogv('_vmf_concentration =', _vmf_concentration, 3) self._mylogv('k =', k, 3) # Ensure that _vmf_probability is an np.array # Ensure that it is normalized. if vmf_probability is None: _vmf_probability = np.full(k, 1/k) elif (isinstance(vmf_probability, list) or isinstance(vmf_probability, np.ndarray)): _vmf_probability = np.array(vmf_probability) / np.sum( vmf_probability) else: _vmf_probability = np.array([1]) self._mylogv('_vmf_probability =', _vmf_probability, 3) # Ensure that _vmf_pole is a 2d array # Not necessary to normalize, it is done in population_vmf_aux. if vmf_pole is None: _vmf_pole = np.random.randn(k, C) else: _vmf_pole = np.array(vmf_pole) if _vmf_pole.ndim == 1: _vmf_pole = _vmf_pole[np.newaxis, :] self._mylogv('_vmf_pole =', _vmf_pole, 3) # Compute the number of voters in each group group_v = np.random.choice( k, size=V, replace=True, p=_vmf_probability) cardinal_group_i = np.bincount(group_v, minlength=k) cum_cardinal_i = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(cardinal_group_i))) self._mylogv('cardinal_group_i =', cardinal_group_i, 3) self._mylogv('cum_cardinal_i =', cum_cardinal_i, 3) # Use Von-Mises Fisher preferences_utilities = np.zeros((V, C)) for i in range(k): preferences_utilities[cum_cardinal_i[i]:cum_cardinal_i[i+1], :] = ( population_vmf_aux(C=C, V=cardinal_group_i[i], concentration=_vmf_concentration[i], pole=_vmf_pole[i, :])) # Apply stretching # Cf. comments in PopulationSpheroid if stretching < 1: preferences_utilities = ( preferences_utilities + np.sum(preferences_utilities, 1)[ :, np.newaxis] * (stretching - 1) / C) elif stretching > 1: preferences_utilities = ( preferences_utilities / stretching + np.sum(preferences_utilities, 1)[ :, np.newaxis] * (1 - 1/stretching) / C) # Conclude log_creation = ['VMFHypersphere', C, V, 'VMF Concentration', vmf_concentration, 'VMF Probability', vmf_probability, 'VMF Pole', vmf_pole, 'Stretching', stretching] super().__init__(preferences_ut=preferences_utilities, log_creation=log_creation) @staticmethod def iterator(C, V, culture_parameters, nb_populations): for i in range(nb_populations): yield PopulationVMFHypersphere(V=V, C=C, **culture_parameters) @staticmethod def meta_iterator(C_list, V_list, culture_parameters_list, nb_populations): for C, V, culture_parameters in itertools.product( C_list, V_list, culture_parameters_list): log_csv = [ 'VMFHypersphere', 'VMF Concentration', culture_parameters['vmf_concentration'], 'VMF Probability', culture_parameters['vmf_probability'], 'VMF Pole', culture_parameters['vmf_pole'], 'Stretching', culture_parameters['stretching'] ] log_print = ( 'VMFHypersphere, V = ' + str(V) + ', C = ' + str(C) + ', vmf_concentration = ' + format(culture_parameters['vmf_probability']) + ', vmf_probability = ' + format(culture_parameters['vmf_probability']) + ', vmf_pole = ' + format(culture_parameters['vmf_pole']) + ', stretching = ' + format(culture_parameters['stretching']) ) yield log_csv, log_print, PopulationVMFHypersphere.iterator( C, V, culture_parameters, nb_populations) if __name__ == '__main__': # A quick demo pop = PopulationVMFHypersphere( V=1000, C=4, vmf_concentration=[50, 50], vmf_probability=None, vmf_pole=[[2, -2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]], stretching=1) pop.demo() pop.plot3() pop.plot4()