
class svvamp.PopulationVMFHypersphere(V, C, vmf_concentration, vmf_probability=None, vmf_pole=None, stretching=1)[source]

Population drawn with Von Mises-Fisher distributions on the C-1-sphere

  • V – Integer. Number of voters.
  • C – Integer. Number of candidates.
  • stretching – Number between 0 and numpy.inf (both included).
  • vmf_concentration – 1d array. Let us note k its size (number of ‘groups’). vmf_concentration[i] is the VMF concentration of group i.
  • vmf_probability – 1d array. vmf_probability[i] is the probability, for a voter, to be in group i (up to normalization). If None, then groups have equal probabilities.
  • vmf_pole – 2d array of size (k, C). vmf_pole[i, :] is the pole of the VMF distribution for group i.

A Population object.

For each voter c, we draw a group i at random, according to vmf_probability (normalized beforehand if necessary). Then, v‘s utility vector is drawn according to a Von Mises-Fisher distribution of pole vmf_pole[i, :] and concentration vmf_concentration[i], using Ulrich’s method modified by Wood.

Once group i is chosen, then up to a normalization constant, the density of probability for a unit vector x is exp(vmf_concentration[i] vmf.pole[i, :].x), where vmf.pole[i, :].x is a dot product.

Then, v‘s utility vector is sent onto the spheroid that is the image of the sphere by a dilatation of factor stretching along the direction [1, ..., 1]. For example, if stretching = 1, we stay on the unit sphere of \(\mathbb{R}^C\). Cf. working paper Durand et al. ‘Geometry on the Utility Sphere’.

N.B.: if stretching != 1, it amounts to move the poles. For example, if the pole [1, 0, 0, 0] is given and stretching = 0, then the actual pole will be [0.75, - 0.25, - 0.25, - 0.25] (up to a multiplicative constant).

poles are normalized before being used. So, the only source of concentration for group i is vmf_concentration[i], not the norm of vmf_pole[i]. If vmf_pole is None, then each pole is drawn independently and uniformly on the sphere.


Ulrich (1984) - Computer Generation of Distributions on the m-Sphere

Wood (1994) - Simulation of the von Mises Fisher distribution