Source code for svvamp.VotingSystems.Schulze

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Oct  8 13:06:52 2014
Copyright François Durand 2014, 2015

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import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

from svvamp.Preferences.Population import Population
from svvamp.Preferences.Population import preferences_ut_to_matrix_duels_ut
from svvamp.VotingSystems.Election import Election
from svvamp.VotingSystems.SchulzeResult import SchulzeResult

[docs]class Schulze(SchulzeResult, Election): """Schulze method. Inherits functions and optional parameters from superclasses :class:`~svvamp.ElectionResult` and :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :Example: >>> import svvamp >>> pop = svvamp.PopulationSpheroid(V=100, C=5) >>> election = svvamp.Schulze(pop) :attr:`~svvamp.Schulze.scores`\ ``[c, d]`` is equal to the width of the widest path from candidate ``c`` to candidate ``d`` in the capacited graph defined by :attr:`~svvamp.Population.matrix_duels_rk`. We say that ``c`` is *better* than ``d`` if ``scores[c, d]`` > ``scores[d, c]``. Candidate ``c`` is a *potential winner* if no candidate ``d`` is *better* than ``c``. Among the potential winners, the candidate with lowest index is declared the winner. .. note:: In the original Schulze method, ties are broken at random. However, this feature is not supported by SVVAMP because it leads to difficulties for the *definition* of manipulation itself (and all the more for its implementation). :meth:`~svvamp.Election.CM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` = ``'fast'``: Gaspers et al. (2013). This algorithm is polynomial and has a window of error of 1 manipulator (due to the tie-breaking rule). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial algorithm from superclass :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.ICM`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.IM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.IM_option` = ``'fast'``: Gaspers et al. (2013). This algorithm is polynomial and may not be able to decide IM (due to the tie-breaking rule). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.IM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial algorithm from superclass :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.not_IIA`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.TM`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.UM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.UM_option` = ``'fast'``: Gaspers et al. (2013). This algorithm is polynomial and has a window of error of 1 manipulator (due to the tie-breaking rule). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.UM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial algorithm from superclass :class:`~svvamp.Election`. .. note: For this voting system, UM and CM are almost equivalent up to tie-breaking. For this reason, :attr:`~svvamp.Election.UM_option` and :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` are linked to each other: modifying one modifies the other accordingly. References: 'A new monotonic, clone-independent, reversal symmetric, and Condorcet-consistent single-winner election method ', Markus Schulze, 2011. 'Schulze and Ranked-Pairs Voting are Fixed-Parameter Tractable to Bribe, Manipulate, and Control', Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Rahman Lavaee and Curtis Menton, 2012. 'Manipulation and Control Complexity of Schulze Voting', Curtis Menton and Preetjot Singh, 2012. 'A Complexity-of-Strategic-Behavior Comparison between Schulze’s Rule and Ranked Pairs', David Parkes and Lirong Xia, 2012. 'Coalitional Manipulation for Schulze’s Rule', Serge Gaspers, Thomas Kalinowski, Nina Narodytska and Toby Walsh, 2013. """ _layout_name = 'Schulze' _options_parameters = Election._options_parameters.copy() _options_parameters.update(SchulzeResult._options_parameters) _options_parameters['IM_option'] = {'allowed': ['fast', 'exact'], 'default': 'fast'} _options_parameters['TM_option'] = {'allowed': ['exact'], 'default': 'exact'} _options_parameters['UM_option'] = {'allowed': ['fast', 'exact'], 'default': 'fast'} _options_parameters['ICM_option'] = {'allowed': ['exact'], 'default': 'exact'} _options_parameters['CM_option'] = {'allowed': ['fast', 'exact'], 'default': 'fast'} def __init__(self, population, **kwargs): super().__init__(population, **kwargs) self._log_identity = "SCHULZE" self._class_result = SchulzeResult self._with_two_candidates_reduces_to_plurality = True self._is_based_on_rk = True self._meets_Condorcet_c_rk_ctb = True self._precheck_UM = False self._precheck_ICM = False def _forget_UM(self): self._UM_was_initialized = False self._UM_was_computed_with_candidates = False # Exceptionally, we initialize the variables for UM here, because UM # is managed in CM. self._is_UM = -np.inf self._candidates_UM = np.full(self.pop.C, -np.inf) self._candidates_UM[self.w] = False # _UM_fast_tested[c] will be True iff if we have already launched # _vote_strategically with n_m manipulators (for c). self._UM_fast_tested = np.zeros(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool) @property def UM_option(self): return self._UM_option @UM_option.setter def UM_option(self, value): try: if self._UM_option == value: return except AttributeError: pass if value in self.options_parameters['UM_option']['allowed']: self._mylogv("Setting UM_option =", value, 1) self._CM_option = value self._UM_option = value self._forget_UM() self._forget_CM() else: raise ValueError("Unknown option for UM: " + format(value)) @property def CM_option(self): return self._CM_option @CM_option.setter def CM_option(self, value): try: if self._CM_option == value: return except AttributeError: pass if value in self.options_parameters['CM_option']['allowed']: self._mylogv("Setting CM_option =", value, 1) self._CM_option = value self._UM_option = value self._forget_UM() self._forget_CM() else: raise ValueError("Unknown option for CM: " + format(value)) def _vote_strategically(self, matrix_duels_s, S, c, n_m): """ Manipulation algorithm: "Coalitional Manipulation for Schulze’s Rule" (Gaspers, Kalinowski, Narodytska and Walsh 2013). Arguments: matrix_duels_s -- 2d array. Matrix of duels for sincere voters. S -- 2d array. S[c, d] is the strength of the widest path from c to d (with sincere voters only). Be careful, it is based on the antisymmetric matrix of duels. I.e. while SchulzeResult._count_ballot_aux provides widest_path_s, we need to take S = 2 * (widest_path_s - n_s / 2), then set S's diagonal coefficients to 0. c -- Integer (candidate). Our challenger. n_m -- Integer. Number of manipulators. """ candidates_not_c = np.concatenate(( np.array(range(c), dtype=int), np.array(range(c+1, self.pop.C), dtype=int))) w = matrix_duels_s - matrix_duels_s.T w_sup = w + n_m w_inf = w - n_m U = S + n_m U_prev = None self._mylogv("candidates_not_c =", candidates_not_c, 3) self._mylogm("matrix_duels_s =", matrix_duels_s, 3) self._mylogm("S =", S, 3) self._mylogm("w =", w, 3) self._mylogm("w_sup =", w_sup, 3) self._mylogm("w_inf =", w_inf, 3) self._mylogm("U =", U, 3) self._mylogm("U_prev =", U_prev, 3) # Algorithm: Pre-processing Bounds while not np.all(U_prev == U): U_prev = np.copy(U) # Rule 1 U[:, c] = np.minimum(U[:, c], U[c, :]) self._mylogm('Rule 1: U =', U, 3) # Rule 2 for x in candidates_not_c: G_x = np.ones((self.pop.C, self.pop.C)) # Remove all vertices y (candidates) s.t. U(y,c) < U(x,c) V_removed = np.less(U[:, c], U[x, c]) V_removed[c] = False G_x[V_removed, :] = 0 G_x[:, V_removed] = 0 # Removed all edges (y,z) s.t. w_sup(y,z) < U(x,c) G_x[w_sup < U[x, c]] = 0 # Does G_x contain a path from c to x ? If not, do stuff. if not nx.has_path(nx.DiGraph(G_x), c, x): U[x, c] -= 2 self._mylogm('Rule 2: U =', U, 3) # Rule 3 for x in candidates_not_c: for y in candidates_not_c: if y == x: continue if U[x, c] < w_inf[x, y]: U[y, c] = min(U[y, c], U[x, c]) self._mylogm('Rule 3: U =', U, 3) # Test possibility self._mylogm("U =", U, 3) self._mylogv("U[candidates_not_c, c] =", U[candidates_not_c, c], 3) self._mylogv("S[candidates_not_c, c] - n_m =", S[candidates_not_c, c] - n_m, 3) if np.any(U[candidates_not_c, c] < S[candidates_not_c, c] - n_m): self._mylog("Cowinner manipulation failed") return False, False # Algorithm : construction of ordering Lambda (when manipulation is # possible) F = np.zeros(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool) F[c] = 1 X = np.ones(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool) X[c] = 0 order_lambda = [c] for i in range(self.pop.C - 1): D = np.max(U[X, c]) possible_y = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(X, U[:, c] == D), np.any(w_sup[F, :] >= D, 0)) y = np.where(possible_y)[0][-1] F[y] = True X[y] = False order_lambda.append(y) order_lambda = np.array(order_lambda) self._mylogv("order_lambda =", order_lambda, 3) # Who wins with the tie-breaking rule? reciprocal_lambda = np.argsort(order_lambda) matrix_duels_m = n_m * np.triu(np.ones((self.pop.C, self.pop.C)), 1)[ reciprocal_lambda, :][:, reciprocal_lambda] w_temp, foo, bar = SchulzeResult._count_ballot_aux( matrix_duels_s + matrix_duels_m) self._mylogv("matrix_duels_m =", matrix_duels_m, 3) self._mylogv("w_temp =", w_temp, 3) if w_temp == c: self._mylog("Cowinner manipulation worked, with ctb also") return True, True else: self._mylog("Cowinner manipulation worked but not with ctb") return True, False #%% Individual manipulation (IM) def _IM_main_work_v_fast(self, v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided, stop_if_true): for c in self.losing_candidates: if not c_is_wanted[c]: continue if not np.isneginf(self._v_IM_for_c[v, c]): continue self._mylogv("IM: c =", c, 3) nb_wanted_undecided -= 1 # Maybe we will not decide, but we will have done the 'fast' job # for c anyway. matrix_duels_s = np.copy(self.pop.matrix_duels_rk) for x in range(self.pop.C): for y in range(x+1, self.pop.C): if (self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[v, x] > self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[v, y]): matrix_duels_s[x, y] -= 1 else: matrix_duels_s[y, x] -= 1 w_s, widest_path, _ = SchulzeResult._count_ballot_aux( matrix_duels_s) if w_s == c: self._mylog("IM: Manipulation easy " "(c wins without manipulator's vote)", 3) self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = True self._candidates_IM[c] = True self._voters_IM[v] = True self._is_IM = True self._mylog("IM found", 3) if stop_if_true or nb_wanted_undecided == 0: return continue S = 2 * (widest_path - (self.pop.V - 1) / 2) np.fill_diagonal(S, 0) success_cowinner, success_tb = self._vote_strategically( matrix_duels_s, S, c, 1) if success_tb: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = True self._candidates_IM[c] = True self._voters_IM[v] = True self._is_IM = True self._mylog("IM found", 3) if stop_if_true: return elif success_cowinner: self._mylog("IM not sure", 3) if self._IM_option != 'exact': self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = np.nan else: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = False if nb_wanted_undecided == 0: return def _IM_main_work_v(self, v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided, stop_if_true): self._IM_main_work_v_fast(v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided, stop_if_true) # Deal with 'exact' (brute force) option if self._IM_option != 'exact': return if stop_if_true and np.any(np.equal( self._v_IM_for_c[v, c_is_wanted], True)): return nb_wanted_undecided_updated = np.sum(np.isneginf( self._v_IM_for_c[v, c_is_wanted])) if nb_wanted_undecided_updated == 0: self._mylog("IM: Job finished", 3) else: self._mylogv("IM: Still some work for v =", v, 3) self._IM_main_work_v_exact(v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided_updated, stop_if_true) #%% Trivial Manipulation (TM) # Use the general methods. #%% Ignorant-Coalition Manipulation (ICM) # Use the general methods. #%% Coalition Manipulation (CM) def _CM_main_work_c(self, c, optimize_bounds): matrix_duels_s = preferences_ut_to_matrix_duels_ut( self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) n_m = self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] n_s = self.pop.V - n_m w, widest_path, _ = SchulzeResult._count_ballot_aux(matrix_duels_s) S = 2 * (widest_path - n_s / 2) np.fill_diagonal(S, 0) # We try the "co-winner" version with n_m - 1 manipulators. If True, # it implies that unique winner version is OK for n_m manipulators. success_cowinner, success_tb = self._vote_strategically( matrix_duels_s, S, c, n_m - 1) if success_tb: self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m - 1, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM = n_m - 1 =') self._candidates_UM[c] = True self._is_UM = True return if success_cowinner: self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM = n_m =') self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m - 1, 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM = n_m - 1 =') # We do not know for UM, but we do not really care return else: self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m, 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM = n_m =') # We try with n_m manipulators. success_cowinner, success_tb = self._vote_strategically( matrix_duels_s, S, c, n_m) self._UM_fast_tested[c] = True if success_tb: self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM = n_m =') self._candidates_UM[c] = True self._is_UM = True return if success_cowinner: self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m + 1, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM = n_m + 1 =') self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m, 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM = n_m =') if self.CM_option == 'exact': self._UM_main_work_c_exact_rankings(c) if self._candidates_UM[c] == True: self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM = n_m =') else: self._CM_main_work_c_exact(c, optimize_bounds) else: self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m + 1, 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM = n_m + 1 =') self._candidates_UM[c] = False return #%% Unison manipulation (UM) def _UM_initialize_general(self, with_candidates): self._mylog("UM: Initialize", 2) self._UM_was_initialized = True # Do not initialize the usual variables, it is done elsewhere. self._UM_preliminary_checks_general() def _UM_preliminary_checks_general_subclass(self): if not np.any(np.isneginf(self._candidates_UM)): return self.CM() self._candidates_UM[np.equal(self._candidates_CM, False)] = False def _UM_main_work_c(self, c): n_m = self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] if self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] + 1 <= n_m: self._candidates_UM[c] = True return if self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] - 1 > n_m: self._candidates_UM[c] = False return if not self._UM_fast_tested[c]: # We must try the fast algo first. matrix_duels_s = preferences_ut_to_matrix_duels_ut( self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) n_s = self.pop.V - n_m w, widest_path, _ = SchulzeResult._count_ballot_aux(matrix_duels_s) S = 2 * (widest_path - n_s / 2) np.fill_diagonal(S, 0) success_cowinner, success_tb = self._vote_strategically( matrix_duels_s, S, c, n_m) self._UM_fast_tested[c] = True if success_tb: self._candidates_UM[c] = True return if not success_cowinner: self._candidates_UM[c] = False return if self.UM_option == 'exact': self._UM_main_work_c_exact_rankings(c) else: self._candidates_UM[c] = np.nan
if __name__ == '__main__': # A quick demo preferences_utilities = np.random.randint(-5, 5, (10, 5)) pop = Population(preferences_utilities) election = Schulze(pop) election.demo(log_depth=3)