Source code for svvamp.VotingSystems.ExhaustiveBallot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct  9 10:15:32 2014
Copyright François Durand 2014, 2015

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import numpy as np

from svvamp.Preferences.Population import Population
from svvamp.Preferences.Population import _Storage
from svvamp.VotingSystems.Election import Election
from svvamp.VotingSystems.ExhaustiveBallotResult import ExhaustiveBallotResult

[docs]class ExhaustiveBallot(ExhaustiveBallotResult, Election): """Exhaustive Ballot. Inherits functions and optional parameters from superclasses :class:`~svvamp.ElectionResult` and :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :Example: >>> import svvamp >>> pop = svvamp.PopulationSpheroid(V=100, C=5) >>> election = svvamp.ExhaustiveBallot(pop) At each round, voters vote for one non-eliminated candidate. The candidate with least votes is eliminated. Then the next round is held. Unlike :attr:`~svvamp.IRV`, voters actually vote at each round. This does not change anything for sincere voting, but offers a bit more possibilities for the manipulators. In case of a tie, the candidate with highest index is eliminated. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.CM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` = ``'fast'``: Polynomial heuristic. Can prove CM but unable to decide non-CM (except in rare obvious cases). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial algorithm (:math:`2^C`) adapted from Walsh, 2010. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.ICM`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.IM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.IM_option` = ``'lazy'``: Lazy algorithm from superclass :class:`~svvamp.Election`. * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.IM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial algorithm (:math:`2^C`) adapted from Walsh, 2010. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.not_IIA`: Non-polynomial or non-exact algorithms from superclass :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.TM`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.UM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.UM_option` = ``'fast'``: Polynomial heuristic. Can prove UM but unable to decide non-UM (except in rare obvious cases). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.UM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial algorithm (:math:`2^C`) adapted from Walsh, 2010. References: 'Single transferable vote resists strategic voting', John J. Bartholdi and James B. Orlin, 1991. 'On The Complexity of Manipulating Elections', Tom Coleman and Vanessa Teague, 2007. 'Manipulability of Single Transferable Vote', Toby Walsh, 2010. .. seealso:: :class:`~svvamp.IRV`, :class:`~svvamp.IRVDuels`, :class:`~svvamp.ICRV`, :class:`~svvamp.CondorcetAbsIRV`. :class:`~svvamp.CondorcetVtbIRV`. """ # Exceptionally, for this voting system, results are stored in the # Population object, so that they can be used by IRV. _layout_name = 'Exhaustive Ballot' _options_parameters = Election._options_parameters.copy() _options_parameters.update(ExhaustiveBallotResult._options_parameters) _options_parameters['UM_option'] = {'allowed': {'fast', 'exact'}, 'default': 'fast'} _options_parameters['CM_option'] = {'allowed': {'fast', 'exact'}, 'default': 'fast'} _options_parameters['TM_option'] = {'allowed': {'exact'}, 'default': 'exact'} _options_parameters['ICM_option'] = {'allowed': {'exact'}, 'default': 'exact'} _options_parameters['fast_algo'] = { 'allowed': {'c_minus_max', 'minus_max', 'hardest_first'}, 'default': 'c_minus_max' } def __init__(self, population, freeze_options=False, **kwargs): self.freeze_options = freeze_options super().__init__(population, **kwargs) self.freeze_options = False self._log_depth = 0 self._log_identity = "EXHAUSTIVE_BALLOT" self._class_result = ExhaustiveBallotResult self._with_two_candidates_reduces_to_plurality = True self._is_based_on_rk = True self._meets_majority_favorite_c_rk_ctb = True self._precheck_UM = False self._precheck_ICM = False #%% Dealing with the options @property def fast_algo(self): """String. Algorithm used for CM (resp. UM) when CM_option (resp. UM_option) is 'fast'. Mostly for developers. """ return self._fast_algo @fast_algo.setter def fast_algo(self, value): try: if self._fast_algo == value: return except AttributeError: pass if value in self.options_parameters['fast_algo']['allowed']: self._mylogv("Setting fast_algo =", value, 1) self._fast_algo = value self._forget_UM() self._forget_CM() else: raise ValueError("Unknown fast algorithm: " + format(value)) @property def log_UM(self): """String. Parameters used to compute UM.""" if self.UM_option == 'exact': return "UM_option = exact" else: return "UM_option = " + self.UM_option + ", fast_algo = " + \ self.fast_algo @property def log_CM(self): """String. Parameters used to compute CM.""" if self.CM_option == 'exact': return "CM_option = exact" else: return ("CM_option = " + self.CM_option + ", fast_algo = " + self.fast_algo + ", " + self.log_ICM + ", " + self.log_TM) def _initialize_options(self, **kwargs): if self.pop._eb_options is None: self.pop._eb_options = _Storage() Election._initialize_options(self, **kwargs) elif not self.freeze_options: Election._initialize_options(self, **kwargs) #%% Store / forget the examples of manipulation path # Not necessary for the moment: IM does not store an elimination path # def _forget_IM(self): # self._IM_was_initialized = False # self._IM_was_computed_with_candidates = False # self._IM_was_computed_with_voters = False # self._IM_was_computed_full = False # self._example_path_IM = {c: None for c in range(self.pop.C)} def _forget_TM(self): self._TM_was_initialized = False self._TM_was_computed_with_candidates = False self._example_path_TM = {c: None for c in range(self.pop.C)} self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM = np.full(self.pop.C, np.inf) # This is a specificity for this voting system (cf. TM section). def _forget_UM(self): self._UM_was_initialized = False self._UM_was_computed_with_candidates = False self._example_path_UM = {c: None for c in range(self.pop.C)} # Not necessary for the moment: ICM does not store an elimination path # (it would be the same as TM) # def _forget_ICM(self): # self._ICM_was_initialized = False # self._ICM_was_computed_with_candidates = False # self._ICM_was_computed_full = False # self._example_path_ICM = {c: None for c in range(self.pop.C)} def _forget_CM(self): self._CM_was_initialized = False self._CM_was_computed_with_candidates = False self._CM_was_computed_full = False self._example_path_CM = {c: None for c in range(self.pop.C)} #%% Cache variables in the Population object, so that they can be used # by IRV. def _forget_manipulations(self): # This is called when a new ExhaustiveBallot object is created or # when a new population is assigned to an existing # ExhaustiveBallot object. # If the population already stores the manipulation results for EB, # we must not forget them. if self.pop._eb_manip is None: self.pop._eb_manip = _Storage() Election._forget_manipulations(self) @property def _v_wants_to_help_c(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._v_wants_to_help_c @_v_wants_to_help_c.setter def _v_wants_to_help_c(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._v_wants_to_help_c = value @property def _c_has_supporters(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._c_has_supporters @_c_has_supporters.setter def _c_has_supporters(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._c_has_supporters = value @property def _losing_candidates(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._losing_candidates @_losing_candidates.setter def _losing_candidates(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._losing_candidates = value @property def _is_IIA(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._is_IIA @_is_IIA.setter def _is_IIA(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._is_IIA = value @property def _example_winner_IIA(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._example_winner_IIA @_example_winner_IIA.setter def _example_winner_IIA(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._example_winner_IIA = value @property def _example_subset_IIA(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._example_subset_IIA @_example_subset_IIA.setter def _example_subset_IIA(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._example_subset_IIA = value @property def _IM_was_initialized(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_initialized @_IM_was_initialized.setter def _IM_was_initialized(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_initialized = value @property def _IM_was_computed_with_candidates(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_computed_with_candidates @_IM_was_computed_with_candidates.setter def _IM_was_computed_with_candidates(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_computed_with_candidates = value @property def _IM_was_computed_with_voters(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_computed_with_voters @_IM_was_computed_with_voters.setter def _IM_was_computed_with_voters(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_computed_with_voters = value @property def _IM_was_computed_full(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_computed_full @_IM_was_computed_full.setter def _IM_was_computed_full(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._IM_was_computed_full = value @property def _v_IM_for_c(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._v_IM_for_c @_v_IM_for_c.setter def _v_IM_for_c(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._v_IM_for_c = value @property def _candidates_IM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_IM @_candidates_IM.setter def _candidates_IM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_IM = value @property def _is_IM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._is_IM @_is_IM.setter def _is_IM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._is_IM = value # @property # def _example_path_IM(self): # return self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_IM # @_example_path_IM.setter # def _example_path_IM(self, value): # self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_IM = value @property def _TM_was_initialized(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._TM_was_initialized @_TM_was_initialized.setter def _TM_was_initialized(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._TM_was_initialized = value @property def _TM_was_computed_with_candidates(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._TM_was_computed_with_candidates @_TM_was_computed_with_candidates.setter def _TM_was_computed_with_candidates(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._TM_was_computed_with_candidates = value @property def _candidates_TM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_TM @_candidates_TM.setter def _candidates_TM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_TM = value @property def _is_TM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._is_TM @_is_TM.setter def _is_TM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._is_TM = value @property def _sufficient_coalition_size_TM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._sufficient_coalition_size_TM @_sufficient_coalition_size_TM.setter def _sufficient_coalition_size_TM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._sufficient_coalition_size_TM = value @property def _example_path_TM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_TM @_example_path_TM.setter def _example_path_TM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_TM = value @property def _UM_was_initialized(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._UM_was_initialized @_UM_was_initialized.setter def _UM_was_initialized(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._UM_was_initialized = value @property def _UM_was_computed_with_candidates(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._UM_was_computed_with_candidates @_UM_was_computed_with_candidates.setter def _UM_was_computed_with_candidates(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._UM_was_computed_with_candidates = value @property def _candidates_UM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_UM @_candidates_UM.setter def _candidates_UM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_UM = value @property def _is_UM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._is_UM @_is_UM.setter def _is_UM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._is_UM = value @property def _example_path_UM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_UM @_example_path_UM.setter def _example_path_UM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_UM = value @property def _ICM_was_initialized(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._ICM_was_initialized @_ICM_was_initialized.setter def _ICM_was_initialized(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._ICM_was_initialized = value @property def _ICM_was_computed_with_candidates(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._ICM_was_computed_with_candidates @_ICM_was_computed_with_candidates.setter def _ICM_was_computed_with_candidates(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._ICM_was_computed_with_candidates = value @property def _ICM_was_computed_full(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._ICM_was_computed_full @_ICM_was_computed_full.setter def _ICM_was_computed_full(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._ICM_was_computed_full = value @property def _candidates_ICM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_ICM @_candidates_ICM.setter def _candidates_ICM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_ICM = value @property def _sufficient_coalition_size_ICM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._sufficient_coalition_size_ICM @_sufficient_coalition_size_ICM.setter def _sufficient_coalition_size_ICM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._sufficient_coalition_size_ICM = value @property def _necessary_coalition_size_ICM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._necessary_coalition_size_ICM @_necessary_coalition_size_ICM.setter def _necessary_coalition_size_ICM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._necessary_coalition_size_ICM = value @property def _bounds_optimized_ICM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._bounds_optimized_ICM @_bounds_optimized_ICM.setter def _bounds_optimized_ICM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._bounds_optimized_ICM = value @property def _is_ICM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._is_ICM @_is_ICM.setter def _is_ICM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._is_ICM = value # @property # def _example_path_ICM(self): # return self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_ICM # # @_example_path_ICM.setter # def _example_path_ICM(self, value): # self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_ICM = value @property def _CM_was_initialized(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._CM_was_initialized @_CM_was_initialized.setter def _CM_was_initialized(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._CM_was_initialized = value @property def _CM_was_computed_with_candidates(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._CM_was_computed_with_candidates @_CM_was_computed_with_candidates.setter def _CM_was_computed_with_candidates(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._CM_was_computed_with_candidates = value @property def _CM_was_computed_full(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._CM_was_computed_full @_CM_was_computed_full.setter def _CM_was_computed_full(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._CM_was_computed_full = value @property def _candidates_CM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_CM @_candidates_CM.setter def _candidates_CM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._candidates_CM = value @property def _sufficient_coalition_size_CM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._sufficient_coalition_size_CM @_sufficient_coalition_size_CM.setter def _sufficient_coalition_size_CM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._sufficient_coalition_size_CM = value @property def _necessary_coalition_size_CM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._necessary_coalition_size_CM @_necessary_coalition_size_CM.setter def _necessary_coalition_size_CM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._necessary_coalition_size_CM = value @property def _bounds_optimized_CM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._bounds_optimized_CM @_bounds_optimized_CM.setter def _bounds_optimized_CM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._bounds_optimized_CM = value @property def _is_CM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._is_CM @_is_CM.setter def _is_CM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._is_CM = value @property def _example_path_CM(self): return self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_CM @_example_path_CM.setter def _example_path_CM(self, value): self.pop._eb_manip._example_path_CM = value @property def _IIA_subset_maximum_size(self): return self.pop._eb_options._IIA_subset_maximum_size @_IIA_subset_maximum_size.setter def _IIA_subset_maximum_size(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._IIA_subset_maximum_size = value @property def _IM_option(self): return self.pop._eb_options._IM_option @_IM_option.setter def _IM_option(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._IM_option = value @property def _TM_option(self): return self.pop._eb_options._TM_option @_TM_option.setter def _TM_option(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._TM_option = value @property def _UM_option(self): return self.pop._eb_options._UM_option @_UM_option.setter def _UM_option(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._UM_option = value @property def _ICM_option(self): return self.pop._eb_options._ICM_option @_ICM_option.setter def _ICM_option(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._ICM_option = value @property def _CM_option(self): return self.pop._eb_options._CM_option @_CM_option.setter def _CM_option(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._CM_option = value @property def _fast_algo(self): return self.pop._eb_options._fast_algo @_fast_algo.setter def _fast_algo(self, value): self.pop._eb_options._fast_algo = value #%% Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) # TODO: A faster algorithm that the one implemented in superclass Election. # Simply check that for each subset of candidates including w, w cannot # be a Plurality loser. #%% Individual manipulation (IM) def _IM_aux(self, anti_voter_allowed, preferences_borda_s): """ Arguments: anti_voter_allowed -- Boolean. If True, we manipulate with one voter but also an anti-voter (who may decrease one candidate's score by 1 point at each round). If False, we manipulate only with one voter. preferences_borda_s -- 2d integer. Preferences of the sincere voters (in Borda format with vtb). Returns: candidates_IM_aux -- 1d array of booleans. candidates_IM_aux[c] is True if manipulation for c is possible (whether desired or not). """ # Explore subsets that are reachable. # situations_begin_r is a dictionary. # keys: is_candidate_alive_begin_r, tuple of booleans. # values: just a None for the moment. If we want to store an # elimination path in a future version, it will be here. candidates = np.array(range(self.pop.C)) n_s = preferences_borda_s.shape[0] situations_begin_r = { tuple(np.ones(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool)): (0, [])} situations_end_r = {} for r in range(self.pop.C - 1): self._mylogv("IM_aux: Round r =", r, 3) situations_end_r = {} for is_candidate_alive_begin_r, _ in (situations_begin_r.items()): self._mylogv("IM_aux: is_candidate_alive_begin_r =", is_candidate_alive_begin_r, 3) # Sincere ballots is_candidate_alive_begin_r = np.array( is_candidate_alive_begin_r) scores_s = np.full(self.pop.C, np.nan) scores_s[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] = np.sum(np.equal( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], np.max(preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], 1)[:, np.newaxis] ), 0) self._mylogv("IM_aux: scores_s =", scores_s, 3) # If w has too many votes, then manipulation is # not possible. if (scores_s[self.w] + (self.w == 0) - anti_voter_allowed > n_s - scores_s[self.w] + 1): self._mylog("IM_aux: Manipulation impossible by this " + "path (w has too many votes)", 3) continue # Try to limit the possible d's natural_loser = np.where( scores_s == np.nanmin(scores_s))[0][-1] self._mylogv("IM_aux: natural_loser =", natural_loser, 3) if not anti_voter_allowed: # v can change the result of the round by only one # strategy: vote for natural_loser. Does it lead to # another candidate losing? scores_temp = np.copy(scores_s) scores_temp[natural_loser] += 1 other_possible_loser = np.where( scores_temp == np.nanmin(scores_temp))[0][-1] self._mylogv("IM_aux: other_possible_loser =", other_possible_loser, 3) if other_possible_loser == natural_loser: losers_to_test = [natural_loser] else: losers_to_test = [natural_loser, other_possible_loser] else: # With an anti-voter, who can be eliminated? # The candidate with margin 0 (natural loser). # Candidates with margin 1: -1 vote is enough (definition # of the margin). # Candidates with margin 2: it is necessary to remove a # vote to her, and add a vote to natural_loser. But it # might not be sufficient, so we need to check if it works. margins_s = scores_s - scores_s[natural_loser] + ( candidates < natural_loser) self._mylogv("IM_aux: margins_s =", margins_s, 3) is_eliminable = np.equal(margins_s, 1) is_eliminable[natural_loser] = True for d in candidates[margins_s == 2]: scores_temp = np.copy(scores_s) scores_temp[d] -= 1 scores_temp[natural_loser] += 1 self._mylogv("IM_aux: scores_temp =", scores_temp, 3) loser_temp = np.where( scores_temp == np.nanmin(scores_temp))[0][-1] self._mylogv("IM_aux: loser_temp =", loser_temp, 3) if loser_temp == d: is_eliminable[d] = True losers_to_test = candidates[is_eliminable] self._mylogv("IM_aux: losers_to_test = ", losers_to_test, 3) # Loop on d for d in losers_to_test: # At this point, we know that we can eliminate d. # Feed the dictionary 'situations_end_r' is_candidate_alive_end_r = np.copy( is_candidate_alive_begin_r) is_candidate_alive_end_r[d] = False if tuple(is_candidate_alive_end_r) not in situations_end_r: situations_end_r[ tuple(is_candidate_alive_end_r)] = None self._mylogv("IM_aux: situations_end_r =", situations_end_r, 3) situations_begin_r = situations_end_r candidates_IM_aux = np.zeros(self.pop.C) for is_candidate_alive_end, foobar in situations_end_r.items(): candidates_IM_aux = np.logical_or(candidates_IM_aux, is_candidate_alive_end) self._mylogv("IM_aux: candidates_IM_aux =", candidates_IM_aux, 3) return candidates_IM_aux def _IM_preliminary_checks_general_subclass(self): if self.IM_option != "exact": return if np.all(np.logical_not(np.isneginf(self._v_IM_for_c))): return self._mylog("IM: Test with a voter and an anti-voter...") # If it's impossible with a voter and an anti-voter on the # whole population, then we'll know that IM is impossible. candidates_IM_aux = self._IM_aux( anti_voter_allowed=True, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk) candidates_IM_aux[self.w] = False for c in self.losing_candidates: if candidates_IM_aux[c] == False: self._mylogv("IM: Manipulation with voter and anti-voter " + "failed for c =", c, 2) self._v_IM_for_c[:, c] = False def _IM_main_work_v(self, v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided, stop_if_true): if self.IM_option == "lazy": self._IM_main_work_v_lazy(v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided, stop_if_true) return candidates_IM_aux = self._IM_aux( anti_voter_allowed=False, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.array(range(self.pop.V)) != v, :]) for c in self.losing_candidates: if not np.isneginf(self._v_IM_for_c[v, c]): # v is not interested, or we already know for some reason continue if candidates_IM_aux[c]: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = True self._candidates_IM[c] = True self._voters_IM[v] = True self._is_IM = True self._mylogv("IM found for c =", c, 3) else: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = False #%% Collective manipulations (CM / UM): general routine def _CM_aux_fast(self, c, n_max, unison, preferences_borda_s): """Fast algorithm used for CM and UM. Arguments: c -- Integer. Candidate for which we want to manipulate. n_max -- Integer. Maximum number of manipulators allowed. UM --> put the number of manipulators. CM, with candidates and exact --> put the current value of sufficient_coalition_size[c] - 1 (we want to find the best value for sufficient_coalition_size[c], even if it exceeds the number of manipulators) CM, otherwise --> put the number of manipulators. unison -- Boolean. Must be True when computing UM, False for CM. preferences_borda_s -- 2d integer. Preferences of the sincere voters (in Borda format with vtb). Returns: n_manip_fast -- Integer or +inf. If a manipulation is found, a sufficient number of manipulators is returned (if unison is True, this number will always be n_max). If no manipulation is found, it is +inf. example_path_fast -- An example of elimination path that realizes the manipulation with 'n_manip_fast' manipulators. example_path_fast[k] is the k-th candidate eliminated. If no manipulation is found, example_path is NaN. """ # At each round, we examine all candidates d that we can eliminate. # If several d are possible, we choose the one that maximize # a heuristic parameter denoted "situation_c". candidates = np.array(range(self.pop.C)) n_s = preferences_borda_s.shape[0] n_manip_fast = 0 # Number of manipulators example_path_fast = [] is_candidate_alive = np.ones(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool) # Sincere scores (eliminated candidates will have nan) scores_s = np.sum(np.equal( preferences_borda_s, np.max(preferences_borda_s, 1)[:, np.newaxis] ), 0) for r in range(self.pop.C-1): self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: Round r =", r, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: scores_s =", scores_s, 3) # If an opponent has too many votes, then manipulation is # not possible. max_score = np.nanmax(scores_s[candidates != c]) most_serious_opponent = np.where(scores_s == max_score)[0][0] if (max_score + (most_serious_opponent < c) > n_s + n_max - max_score): self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: most_serious_opponent =", most_serious_opponent, 3) self._mylog("CM_aux_fast: Manipulation impossible by this " + "path (an opponent has too many votes)", 3) n_manip_fast = np.inf # by convention return n_manip_fast, np.nan # Try to limit the possible d's (for unison) if unison: natural_loser = np.where( scores_s == np.nanmin(scores_s))[0][-1] self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: natural_loser =", natural_loser, 3) # In unison, if we want to change the result of the round, # the only thing we can do is to vote for the natural loser. scores_temp = np.copy(scores_s) scores_temp[natural_loser] += n_max other_possible_loser = np.where( scores_temp == np.nanmin(scores_temp))[0][-1] self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: other_possible_loser =", other_possible_loser, 3) if other_possible_loser == natural_loser: losers_to_test = [natural_loser] else: losers_to_test = [natural_loser, other_possible_loser] else: losers_to_test = candidates[is_candidate_alive] self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: losers_to_test =", losers_to_test, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: but do not test ", c, 3) # Initialize the loop on d best_d = -1 best_situation_for_c = -np.inf n_manip_r = np.inf scores_s_end_r = np.nan for d in losers_to_test: if d == c: continue self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: d =", d, 3) # Is it possible to eliminate d now? if unison: # We already know that it is possible. n_manip_d = n_max else: scores_m = np.maximum( 0, scores_s[d] - scores_s[is_candidate_alive] + (candidates[is_candidate_alive] > d)) n_manip_d = np.sum(scores_m) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: n_manip_d =", n_manip_d, 3) if n_manip_d > n_max: continue # Compute heuristic: "Situation" for c if r == self.pop.C - 2: best_d = d n_manip_r = n_manip_d break is_candidate_alive_temp = np.copy(is_candidate_alive) is_candidate_alive_temp[d] = False scores_s_temp = np.full(self.pop.C, np.nan) scores_s_temp[is_candidate_alive_temp] = np.sum(np.equal( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_temp], np.max(preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_temp], 1)[ :, np.newaxis] ), 0) if self.fast_algo == "c_minus_max": situation_for_c = (scores_s_temp[c] - np.nanmax( scores_s_temp[candidates != c])) elif self.fast_algo == "minus_max": situation_for_c = - np.nanmax( scores_s_temp[candidates != c]) elif self.fast_algo == "hardest_first": situation_for_c = n_manip_d else: raise ValueError("Unknown fast algorithm: " + format(self.fast_algo)) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: scores_s_temp =", scores_s_temp, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: situation_for_c =", situation_for_c, 3) # Is the the best d so far? # Lexicographic comparison on three criteria (highest # 'situation', lowest number of manipulators, lowest index). if ([situation_for_c, -n_manip_d, -d] > [best_situation_for_c, -n_manip_r, -best_d]): best_d = d best_situation_for_c = situation_for_c n_manip_r = n_manip_d scores_s_end_r, scores_s_temp = scores_s_temp, None self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: best_d =", best_d, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: n_manip_r =", n_manip_r, 3) # Update variables for next round n_manip_fast = max(n_manip_fast, n_manip_r) if n_manip_fast > n_max: n_manip_fast = np.inf # by convention break example_path_fast.append(best_d) is_candidate_alive[best_d] = False scores_s, scores_s_end_r = scores_s_end_r, None self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: : n_manip_fast =", n_manip_fast, 3) if n_manip_fast <= n_max: example_path_fast.append(c) return n_manip_fast, np.array(example_path_fast) else: return n_manip_fast, np.nan def _CM_aux_exact(self, c, n_max, unison, preferences_borda_s): """Exact algorithm used for CM and UM. Arguments: c -- Integer. Candidate for which we want to manipulate. n_max -- Integer. Maximum number of manipulators allowed. UM --> put the number of manipulators. CM, with candidates and exact --> put the current value of sufficient_coalition_size[c] - 1 (we want to find the best value for sufficient_coalition_size[c], even if it exceeds the number of manipulators) CM, otherwise --> put the number of manipulators. unison -- Boolean. Must be True when computing UM, False for CM. preferences_borda_s -- 2d integer. Preferences of the sincere voters (in Borda format). Returns: n_manip_final -- Integer or +inf. If manipulation is impossible with <= n_max manipulators, it is +inf. If manipulation is possible (with <= n_max): * If unison is False, it is the minimal number of manipulators. * If unison is True, it is n_max. example_path -- An example of elimination path that realizes the manipulation with 'n_manip_final' manipulators. example_path[k] is the k-th candidate eliminated. If the manipulation is impossible, example_path is NaN. """ # Explore subsets that are reachable with less than the upper bound. # situations_begin_r is a dictionary. # keys: is_candidate_alive_begin_r, tuple of booleans. # values: (n_manip_used_before_r, example_path_before_r) # n_manip_used_before_r: number of manipulators used before round r # to get to this subset of candidates. # example_path_before_r: as it sounds. candidates = np.array(range(self.pop.C)) n_s = preferences_borda_s.shape[0] situations_begin_r = { tuple(np.ones(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool)): (0, [])} situations_end_r = {} for r in range(self.pop.C - 1): self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: Round r =", r, 3) situations_end_r = {} for is_candidate_alive_begin_r, ( n_manip_used_before_r, example_path_before_r) in ( situations_begin_r.items()): self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: is_candidate_alive_begin_r =", is_candidate_alive_begin_r, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: n_manip_used_before_r =", n_manip_used_before_r, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: example_path_before_r =", example_path_before_r, 3) # Sincere ballots is_candidate_alive_begin_r = np.array( is_candidate_alive_begin_r) scores_s = np.full(self.pop.C, np.nan) scores_s[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] = np.sum(np.equal( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], np.max( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], 1)[:, np.newaxis] ), 0) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: scores_s =", scores_s, 3) # If an opponent has too many votes, then manipulation is # not possible. max_score = np.nanmax(scores_s[candidates != c]) most_serious_opponent = np.where(scores_s == max_score)[0][0] if (max_score + (most_serious_opponent < c) > n_s + n_max - max_score): self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: most_serious_opponent =", most_serious_opponent, 3) self._mylog("CM_aux_exact: Manipulation impossible by " "this path (an opponent has too many votes)", 3) continue # Try to limit the possible d's if unison: natural_loser = np.where( scores_s == np.nanmin(scores_s))[0][-1] self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: natural_loser =", natural_loser, 3) scores_temp = np.copy(scores_s) scores_temp[natural_loser] += n_max other_possible_loser = np.where( scores_temp == np.nanmin(scores_temp))[0][-1] self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: other_possible_loser =", other_possible_loser, 3) if other_possible_loser == natural_loser: losers_to_test = [natural_loser] else: losers_to_test = [natural_loser, other_possible_loser] else: losers_to_test = candidates[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: losers_to_test =", losers_to_test, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: but do not test ", c, 3) # Loop on d for d in losers_to_test: if d == c: continue self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: d =", d, 3) # Is it possible to eliminate d now? if unison: # We already know that it is possible. n_manip_r = n_max else: scores_m = np.maximum( 0, scores_s[d] - scores_s[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] + (candidates[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] > d)) n_manip_r = np.sum(scores_m) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: n_manip_r =", n_manip_r, 3) if n_manip_r > n_max: continue # Feed the dictionary 'situations_end_r' n_manip_r_and_before = max(n_manip_r, n_manip_used_before_r) is_candidate_alive_end_r = np.copy( is_candidate_alive_begin_r) is_candidate_alive_end_r[d] = False example_path_end_r = example_path_before_r[:] example_path_end_r.append(d) if tuple(is_candidate_alive_end_r) in situations_end_r: if n_manip_r_and_before < situations_end_r[ tuple(is_candidate_alive_end_r)][0]: situations_end_r[tuple(is_candidate_alive_end_r)] \ = (n_manip_r_and_before, example_path_end_r) else: situations_end_r[tuple(is_candidate_alive_end_r)] \ = (n_manip_r_and_before, example_path_end_r) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: situations_end_r =", situations_end_r, 3) if len(situations_end_r) == 0: self._mylog("CM_aux_exact: Manipulation is impossible with " + "n_max manipulators.", 3) return np.inf, np.nan situations_begin_r = situations_end_r # If we reach this point, we know that all rounds were successful. self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: situations_end_r:", situations_end_r, 3) is_candidate_alive_end, ( n_manip_exact, example_path_exact) = situations_end_r.popitem() example_path_exact.append(c) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: is_candidate_alive_end:", is_candidate_alive_end, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: example_path_exact:", example_path_exact, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: Conclusion phase 2: n_manip_exact =", n_manip_exact, 3) return n_manip_exact, np.array(example_path_exact) #%% Trivial Manipulation (TM) def _TM_initialize_general(self, with_candidates): super()._TM_initialize_general(with_candidates) self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM = np.full(self.pop.C, np.inf) self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM[self.w] = 0 self._candidates_TM[self.w] = False def _TM_preliminary_checks_general(self): # We remove the general preliminary checks, because we always want # to run _TM_main_work_c to provide an example of path. pass def _TM_initialize_c(self, c): self._mylogv("TM: Candidate =", c, 2) # We remove the general preliminary checks on c for the same reason. def _TM_main_work_c(self, c): # For Exhaustive Ballot, if TM works, then manipulators always vote # for c, so the rest of their ballot has no impact on the result. # So we can define a minimum coalition size for TM: minimal number # of manipulators such that, when always voting for c, c gets elected. # It will help us for CM: indeed, it is a lower bound that is better # than TM (= n_m, when it works) and also than ICM (= n_s or n_s # + 1). candidates_not_c = np.concatenate(( range(c), range(c + 1, self.pop.C))).astype(int) example_path = [] is_alive = np.ones(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool) n_manip_used = 0 for r in range(self.pop.C - 1): scores_tot = np.full(self.pop.C, np.nan) scores_tot[is_alive] = np.sum(np.equal( self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :][ :, is_alive], np.max(self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :][ :, is_alive], 1)[:, np.newaxis] ), 0) loser = candidates_not_c[np.where( scores_tot[candidates_not_c] == np.nanmin(scores_tot[candidates_not_c]) )[0][-1]] n_manip_used = max( n_manip_used, scores_tot[loser] - scores_tot[c] + (c > loser)) is_alive[loser] = False example_path.append(loser) example_path.append(c) # Conclude for c self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM[c] = n_manip_used self._mylogv('TM: sufficient_coalition_size_TM[c]', self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM[c], 2) self._example_path_TM[c] = np.array(example_path) self._mylogv('TM: example_path_TM[c] =', self._example_path_TM[c], 2) if self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] >= \ self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM[c]: self._candidates_TM[c] = True self._is_TM = True else: self._candidates_TM[c] = False #%% Unison manipulation (UM) # Note: if pretests conclude that UM is True, no elimination path is # computed. But in that cases, TM is True. So we can use the elimination # path of TM if we need to quickly provide one for CM. def _UM_main_work_c(self, c): exact = (self.UM_option == "exact") n_m = self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] self._mylogv("UM: n_m =", n_m, 3) n_manip_fast, example_path_fast = self._CM_aux_fast( c, n_max=n_m, unison=True, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) self._mylogv("UM: n_manip_fast =", n_manip_fast, 3) if n_manip_fast <= n_m: self._candidates_UM[c] = True if self._example_path_UM[c] is None: self._example_path_UM[c] = example_path_fast return if not exact: self._candidates_UM[c] = np.nan return # From this point, we have necessarily the 'exact' option (and have # not found a manipulation for c yet). n_manip_exact, example_path_exact = self._CM_aux_exact( c, n_m, unison=True, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) self._mylogv("UM: n_manip_exact =", n_manip_exact) if n_manip_exact <= n_m: self._candidates_UM[c] = True if self._example_path_UM[c] is None: self._example_path_UM[c] = example_path_exact else: self._candidates_UM[c] = False #%% Ignorant-Coalition Manipulation (ICM) # Use the methods from superclass. #%% Coalition Manipulation (CM) def _CM_preliminary_checks_c(self, c, optimize_bounds): # A mandatory additional precheck, to ensure that # _example_path_CM[c] is updated if sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] # has been updated. # We use the following syntax (instead of # _CM_preliminary_checks_c_subclass) because we want the test here # to be done, even if another one succeeded. super()._CM_preliminary_checks_c(c, optimize_bounds) # As a test for sufficient size, this one is better (lower) than all # the other ones in _CM_preliminary_checks_c. So, as soon as one of # them updates sufficient size, this one will provide an example of # path. self.TM_c(c) if self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM[c] <= \ self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]: # The <= is not a typo. self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, self._sufficient_coalition_size_TM[c], 'CM: Preliminary checks: TM improved => \n ' 'sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] = ') self._mylogv('CM: Preliminary checks: Update _example_path_CM[c] ' '= _example_path_TM[c] =', self._example_path_TM[c], 3) self._example_path_CM[c] = self._example_path_TM[c] def _CM_main_work_c(self, c, optimize_bounds): exact = (self.CM_option == "exact") if optimize_bounds and exact: n_max = self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] - 1 else: n_max = self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] self._mylogv("CM: n_max =", n_max, 3) if not exact and self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] > n_max: self._mylog("CM: Fast algorithm will not do better than " + "what we already know", 3) return n_manip_fast, example_path_fast = self._CM_aux_fast( c, n_max, unison=False, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) self._mylogv("CM: n_manip_fast =", n_manip_fast, 3) if n_manip_fast < self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]: self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] = n_manip_fast self._example_path_CM[c] = example_path_fast self._mylogv('CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] = ' 'n_manip_fast =', n_manip_fast, 3) if not exact: # With fast algo, we stop here anyway. It is not a "quick escape" # (if we'd try again with optimize_bounds, we would not try # better). return False # From this point, we have necessarily the 'exact' option if self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] == ( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c]): return False if not optimize_bounds and (self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] >= self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]): # This is a quick escape: since we have the option 'exact', if # we come back with optimize_bounds, we will try to be more # precise. return True # Either we're with optimize_bounds (and might have succeeded), or in # non-optimized mode (and we have failed) n_max_updated = min(n_manip_fast - 1, n_max) self._mylogv("CM: n_max_updated =", n_max_updated) n_manip_exact, example_path_exact = self._CM_aux_exact( c, n_max_updated, unison=False, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) self._mylogv("CM: n_manip_exact =", n_manip_exact) if n_manip_exact < self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]: self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] = n_manip_exact self._example_path_CM[c] = example_path_exact self._mylogv('CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] = ' 'n_manip_exact =') # Update necessary coalition and return if optimize_bounds: self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c], 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] = ' 'sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] =') return False else: if self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] >= \ self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]: # We have optimized the size of the coalition. self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c], 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] = ' 'sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] =') return False else: # We have explored everything with n_max = n_m but # manipulation failed. However, we have not optimized # sufficient_size (which must be higher than n_m), so it # is a quick escape. self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] + 1, 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] = n_m + 1 =') return True
if __name__ == '__main__': # A quick demo preferences_utilities = np.random.randint(-5, 5, (10, 5)) pop = Population(preferences_utilities) election = ExhaustiveBallot(pop) election.demo(log_depth=3)