Source code for svvamp.VotingSystems.Coombs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Oct  3 15:17:58 2014
Copyright François Durand 2014, 2015

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import numpy as np

from svvamp.VotingSystems.Election import Election
from svvamp.VotingSystems.CoombsResult import CoombsResult
from svvamp.Preferences.Population import Population

[docs]class Coombs(CoombsResult, Election): """Coombs method. Inherits functions and optional parameters from superclasses :class:`~svvamp.ElectionResult` and :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :Example: >>> import svvamp >>> pop = svvamp.PopulationSpheroid(V=100, C=5) >>> election = svvamp.Coombs(pop) The candidate who is ranked last by most voters is eliminated. Then we iterate. Ties are broken in favor of lower-index candidates: in case of a tie, the tied candidate with highest index is eliminated. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.CM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` = ``'fast'``: Polynomial heuristic. Can prove CM but unable to decide non-CM (except in rare obvious cases). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial (:math:`C!`). :meth:`~svvamp.Election.ICM`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.IM`: * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.IM_option` = ``'fast'``: Polynomial heuristic. Can prove CM but unable to decide non-IM (except in rare obvious cases). * :attr:`~svvamp.Election.IM_option` = ``'exact'``: Non-polynomial (:math:`C!`). :meth:`~svvamp.Election.not_IIA`: Non-polynomial or non-exact algorithms from superclass :class:`~svvamp.Election`. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.TM`: Exact in polynomial time. :meth:`~svvamp.Election.UM`: For this voting system, UM and CM are equivalent. For this reason, :attr:`~svvamp.Election.UM_option` and :attr:`~svvamp.Election.CM_option` are linked to each other: modifying one modifies the other accordingly. References: 'On The Complexity of Manipulating Elections', Tom Coleman and Vanessa Teague, 2007. """ _layout_name = 'Coombs' _options_parameters = Election._options_parameters.copy() _options_parameters.update(CoombsResult._options_parameters) _options_parameters['IM_option'] = {'allowed': ['fast', 'exact'], 'default': 'fast'} _options_parameters['TM_option'] = {'allowed': ['exact'], 'default': 'exact'} _options_parameters['UM_option'] = {'allowed': ['fast', 'exact'], 'default': 'fast'} _options_parameters['ICM_option'] = {'allowed': ['exact'], 'default': 'exact'} _options_parameters['CM_option'] = {'allowed': ['fast', 'exact'], 'default': 'fast'} def __init__(self, population, **kwargs): super().__init__(population, **kwargs) self._log_identity = "COOMBS" self._class_result = CoombsResult self._with_two_candidates_reduces_to_plurality = True self._is_based_on_rk = True self._meets_IgnMC_c_ctb = True self._precheck_UM = False # No UM precheck before CM self._precheck_ICM = False @property def UM_option(self): return self._UM_option @UM_option.setter def UM_option(self, value): try: if self._UM_option == value: return except AttributeError: pass if value in self.options_parameters['UM_option']['allowed']: self._mylogv("Setting UM_option =", value, 1) self._CM_option = value self._UM_option = value self._forget_UM() self._forget_CM() else: raise ValueError("Unknown option for UM: " + format(value)) @property def CM_option(self): return self._CM_option @CM_option.setter def CM_option(self, value): try: if self._CM_option == value: return except AttributeError: pass if value in self.options_parameters['CM_option']['allowed']: self._mylogv("Setting CM_option =", value, 1) self._CM_option = value self._UM_option = value self._forget_UM() self._forget_CM() else: raise ValueError("Unknown option for CM: " + format(value)) #%% Manipulation: general routine def _CM_aux_fast(self, c, n_max, preferences_borda_s): """Fast algorithm used for IM and CM (which is equivalent to UM) Arguments: c -- Integer. Candidate for which we want to manipulate. n_max -- Integer or inf. Maximum number of manipulators allowed. IM --> put 1. CM, complete and exact --> put the current value of sufficient_coalition_size[c] - 1 (we want to find the best value for sufficient_coalition_size[c], even if it exceeds the number of manipulators) CM, otherwise --> put the number of manipulators. preferences_borda_s -- 2d integer. Preferences of the sincere voters (in Borda format with vtb). Returns: n_manip_fast -- Integer or +inf. If a manipulation is found with n_max manipulators or less, then a sufficient number of manipulators is returned. Otherwise, it is +inf. """ # Each step of the loop: # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # We start at the end of round r, with # candidates[is_candidate_alive_end_r]. We find the d such that, # with d in addition at the beginning, we need the fewest manipulators # to eliminate d (and reach the final situation we wanted). # Initialization # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # End of last round: only c is alive. nb_manipulators_used = 0 is_candidate_alive_end_r = np.zeros(self.pop.C, dtype=np.bool) is_candidate_alive_end_r[c] = True for r in range(self.pop.C - 2, -1, -1): self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: Round r =", r, 3) least_nb_manipulators_for_r = np.inf # We look for a candidate with which round r was easy for d in range(self.pop.C): if is_candidate_alive_end_r[d]: continue self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: Try to add d =", d, 3) is_candidate_alive_begin_r = np.copy(is_candidate_alive_end_r) is_candidate_alive_begin_r[d] = True scores_s = np.zeros(self.pop.C) scores_s[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] = - np.sum(np.equal( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], np.min(preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], 1)[:, np.newaxis] ), 0) # self._mylogv("CM_AUX: scores_s =", scores_s, 3) normal_loser = np.where( scores_s == np.min(scores_s) )[0][-1] # Tie-breaking nb_manip_d = max(0, scores_s[d] - scores_s[normal_loser] + (d < normal_loser) ) self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: nb_manip_d =", nb_manip_d, 3) if nb_manip_d < least_nb_manipulators_for_r: least_nb_manipulators_for_r = nb_manip_d best_d = d self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: best_d =", best_d, 3) # Update variables for previous round nb_manipulators_used = max(nb_manipulators_used, least_nb_manipulators_for_r) if nb_manipulators_used > n_max: self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: Conclusion: nb_manipulators_used =", np.inf, 3) return np.inf is_candidate_alive_end_r[best_d] = True self._mylogv("CM_aux_fast: Conclusion: nb_manipulators_used =", nb_manipulators_used, 3) return nb_manipulators_used def _CM_aux_exact(self, c, n_max, preferences_borda_s): """Exact algorithm used for IM and CM (which is equivalent to UM) Arguments: c -- Integer. Candidate for which we want to manipulate. n_max -- Integer. Maximum number of manipulators allowed. IM --> put 1. CM, complete and exact --> put the current value of sufficient_coalition_size[c] - 1 (we want to find the best value for sufficient_coalition_size[c], even if it exceeds the number of manipulators) CM, otherwise --> put the number of manipulators. preferences_borda_s -- 2d integer. Preferences of the sincere voters (in Borda format). Returns: n_manip_exact -- Integer or +inf. If a manipulation is found with n_max manipulators or less, the minimal sufficient number of manipulators is returned. Otherwise, it is +inf. """ # Explore subsets that are reachable with less than the # upper bound. # situations_end_r is a dictionary. # keys: is_candidate_alive_end_r, tuple of booleans. # values: nb_manip_used_after_r, number of manipulators used after # round d to go from situation is_candidate_alive_end_r to the # singleton c. # Example: (1,1,0,1,0):3 means that if we have candidates 0, 1 and 3, # we need 3 manipulators to make c win at the end. situations_end_r = {tuple(np.array(range(self.pop.C)) == c): 0} situations_begin_r = {} for r in range(self.pop.C - 2, -1, -1): self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: Round r =", r, 3) situations_begin_r = {} for is_candidate_alive_end_r, nb_manip_used_after_r in \ situations_end_r.items(): self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: is_candidate_alive_end_r =", is_candidate_alive_end_r, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: nb_manip_used_after_r =", nb_manip_used_after_r, 3) for d in range(self.pop.C): if is_candidate_alive_end_r[d]: continue self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: d =", d, 3) is_candidate_alive_begin_r = np.copy( is_candidate_alive_end_r) is_candidate_alive_begin_r[d] = True scores_s = np.zeros(self.pop.C) scores_s[is_candidate_alive_begin_r] = - np.sum(np.equal( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], np.min( preferences_borda_s[:, is_candidate_alive_begin_r], 1)[:, np.newaxis] ), 0) # self._mylogv("scores_s =", scores_s, 3) normal_loser = np.where( scores_s == np.nanmin(scores_s) )[0][-1] # Tie-breaking nb_manip_r = max( scores_s[d] - scores_s[normal_loser] + (d < normal_loser), 0 ) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: nb_manip_r =", nb_manip_r, 3) nb_manip_r_and_after = max(nb_manip_r, nb_manip_used_after_r) if nb_manip_r_and_after > n_max: continue if tuple(is_candidate_alive_begin_r) in \ situations_begin_r: situations_begin_r[ tuple(is_candidate_alive_begin_r) ] = min( situations_begin_r[ tuple(is_candidate_alive_begin_r)], nb_manip_r_and_after ) else: situations_begin_r[tuple( is_candidate_alive_begin_r)] = nb_manip_r_and_after self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: situations_begin_r =", situations_begin_r, 3) if len(situations_begin_r) == 0: self._mylog("CM_aux_exact: Manipulation is impossible with " + "n_max manipulators.", 3) return np.inf # By convention situations_end_r = situations_begin_r else: self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: situations_begin_r:", situations_begin_r, 3) is_candidate_alive_begin, nb_manip_used = \ situations_begin_r.popitem() self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: is_candidate_alive_begin:", is_candidate_alive_begin, 3) self._mylogv("CM_aux_exact: Conclusion: " "nb_manip_used_new =", nb_manip_used, 3) return nb_manip_used #%% Individual manipulation (IM) def _IM_main_work_v(self, v, c_is_wanted, nb_wanted_undecided, stop_if_true): preferences_borda_s = self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.array(range(self.pop.V)) != v, :] for c in range(self.pop.C): if not c_is_wanted[c]: continue if not np.isneginf(self._v_IM_for_c[v, c]): continue self._mylogv('IM: Candidate c =', c, 3) n_manip_fast = self._CM_aux_fast( c, n_max=1, preferences_borda_s=preferences_borda_s) self._mylogv("IM: Fast: n_manip_fast =", n_manip_fast, 3) if n_manip_fast <= 1: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = True self._candidates_IM[c] = True self._voters_IM[v] = True self._is_IM = True if stop_if_true: return continue if self.IM_option != 'exact': self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = np.nan continue n_manip_exact = self._CM_aux_exact( c, n_max=1, preferences_borda_s=preferences_borda_s) self._mylogv("IM: Exact: n_manip_exact =", n_manip_exact, 3) if n_manip_exact <= 1: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = True self._candidates_IM[c] = True self._voters_IM[v] = True self._is_IM = True if stop_if_true: return else: self._v_IM_for_c[v, c] = False #%% Trivial Manipulation (TM) # Use the generic methods from class Election. #%% Unison manipulation (UM) def UM(self): """Unison manipulation, incomplete mode. Returns: is_UM -- Boolean (or NaN). True if UM is possible, False otherwise. If the algorithm cannot decide, then NaN. log_UM -- String. Parameters used to compute UM. """ return self.CM() def UM_c(self, c): """Unison manipulation, focus on one candidate. Arguments: c -- Integer. The candidate for whom we want to manipulate. Returns: is_UM_c -- Boolean (or NaN). True if UM for candidate c is possible, False otherwise. If the algorithm cannot decide, then NaN. log_UM -- String. Parameters used to compute UM. """ return self.CM_c(c) def UM_with_candidates(self): """Unison manipulation, complete mode. We say that a situation is unison-manipulable for a candidate c != w iff all voters who prefer c to the sincere winner w can cast the SAME ballot so that c is elected (while other voters still vote sincerely). Returns: is_UM -- Boolean (or NaN). True if UM is possible, False otherwise. If the algorithm cannot decide, then NaN. log_UM -- String. Parameters used to compute UM. candidates_UM -- 1d array of booleans (or NaN). candidates_UM[c] is True if UM for candidate c is possible, False otherwise. If the algorithm cannot decide, then NaN. By convention, candidates_UM[w] = False. """ return self.CM_with_candidates() #%% Ignorant-Coalition Manipulation (ICM) # The voting system meets IgnMC_c_ctb: hence, general methods are exact. #%% Coalition Manipulation (CM) def _CM_main_work_c(self, c, optimize_bounds): n_m = self.pop.matrix_duels_ut[c, self.w] exact = (self.CM_option == "exact") if optimize_bounds and exact: n_max = self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] - 1 else: n_max = n_m self._mylogv("CM: n_max =", n_max, 3) if not exact and self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] > n_max: self._mylog("CM: Fast algorithm will not do better than " + "what we already know", 3) return n_manip_fast = self._CM_aux_fast( c, n_max, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :] ) self._mylogv("CM: n_manip_fast =", n_manip_fast, 3) self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_manip_fast, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM =') if not exact: # With fast algo, we stop here anyway. It is not a "quick escape" # (if we'd try again with optimize_bound, we would not try better). return # From this point, we have necessarily the 'exact' option if self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c] == ( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c]): return if not optimize_bounds and ( n_m >= self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]): # This is a quick escape: since we have the option 'exact', if # we come back with optimize_bound, we will try to be more precise. return True # Either we're in complete (and might have succeeded), or we in # incomplete mode (and we have failed) n_max_updated = min(n_manip_fast - 1, n_max) self._mylogv("CM: n_max_updated =", n_max_updated, 3) n_manip_exact = self._CM_aux_exact( c, n_max_updated, preferences_borda_s=self.pop.preferences_borda_rk[ np.logical_not(self.v_wants_to_help_c[:, c]), :]) self._mylogv("CM: n_manip_exact =", n_manip_exact) n_manip = min(n_manip_fast, n_manip_exact) self._mylogv("CM: n_manip =", n_manip, 3) self._update_sufficient( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM, c, n_manip, 'CM: Update sufficient_coalition_size_CM =') # Update necessary coalition and return if optimize_bounds: self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] = ( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]) return False else: if n_m >= n_manip: # We have optimized the size of the coalition. self._necessary_coalition_size_CM[c] = ( self._sufficient_coalition_size_CM[c]) return False else: # We have explored everything with n_max = n_m but # manipulation failed. However, we have not optimized # sufficient_size (which must be higher than n_m), so it # is a quick escape. self._update_necessary( self._necessary_coalition_size_CM, c, n_m + 1, 'CM: Update necessary_coalition_size_CM = n_m + 1 =' ) return True
if __name__ == '__main__': # A quick demo preferences_utilities = np.random.randint(-5, 5, (10, 5)) pop = Population(preferences_utilities) election = Coombs(pop) election.CM_option = 'exact' election.demo(log_depth=3)