Source code for svvamp.Preferences.PopulationLadder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on oct. 30, 2014, 18:45 
Copyright François Durand 2014, 2015

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import itertools

import numpy as np

from svvamp.Preferences.Population import Population

[docs]class PopulationLadder(Population):
_layout_name = 'Ladder' def __init__(self, V, C, n_rungs): """Population with 'Ladder' model. :param V: Integer. Number of voters. :param C: Integer. Number of candidates. :param n_rungs: Integer. Number of rungs of the ladder. :return: A :class:`~svvamp.Population` object. Each utility ``preferences_ut[v, c]`` is drawn independently and equiprobably between ``n_rungs`` values that divide the interval [-1, 1] equally. For example, if ``n_rungs = 21``, then values in {-1, -0.9, ..., 1} are used. The ordinal part of this distribution is **not** the Impartial Culture. Indeed, weak orders of preference come with non-zero probability. This model is interesting the study the effect of voters' ties. """ preferences_utilities = np.random.randint( n_rungs, size=(V, C) ) * 2 / (n_rungs - 1) - 1 log_creation = ['Ladder', C, V, 'Number of rungs', n_rungs] super().__init__(preferences_ut=preferences_utilities, log_creation=log_creation) @staticmethod def iterator(C, V, culture_parameters, nb_populations): for i in range(nb_populations): yield PopulationLadder(V=V, C=C, **culture_parameters) @staticmethod def meta_iterator(C_list, V_list, culture_parameters_list, nb_populations): for C, V, culture_parameters in itertools.product( C_list, V_list, culture_parameters_list): log_csv = ['Ladder', 'Number of rungs', culture_parameters['n_rungs']] log_print = ('Ladder, V = ' + str(V) + ', C = ' + str(C) + ', n_rungs = ' + format(culture_parameters['n_rungs'])) yield log_csv, log_print, PopulationLadder.iterator( C, V, culture_parameters, nb_populations) if __name__ == '__main__': # A quick demo pop = PopulationLadder(V=1000, C=3, n_rungs=5) pop.demo() pop.plot3(normalize=False) pop = PopulationLadder(V=1000, C=4, n_rungs=5) pop.demo() pop.plot4(normalize=False)