
class svvamp.RangeVotingAverage(population, **kwargs)[source]

Range Voting with Average.

Inherits functions and optional parameters from superclasses ElectionResult and Election.

>>> import svvamp
>>> pop = svvamp.PopulationSpheroid(V=100, C=5)
>>> election = svvamp.RangeVotingAverage(pop, min_grade=0, max_grade=1, step_grade=0, rescale_grades=True)

Each voter attributes a grade to each candidate. By default, authorized grades are all numbers in the interval [min_grade, max_grade]. To use a discrete set of notes, modify attribute step_grade.

The candidate with highest average grade wins. In case of a tie, the tied candidate with lowest index is declared the winner.

Default behavior of sincere voters: voter v applies an affine transformation to her utilities preferences_ut[v, :] to get her grades, such that her least-liked candidate receives min_grade and her most-liked candidate receives max_grade. To modify this behavior, use attribute rescale_grades. For more details about the behavior of sincere voters, see ballots.


CM(), ICM(), IM(), TM(), UM(): Exact in polynomial time.


2d array of integers. ballots[v, c] is the grade attributed by voter v to candidate c (when voting sincerely). The following process is used.

  1. Convert utilities into grades in interval [min_grade, max_grade].

  2. If step_grades > 0 (discrete set of grades), round each grade to the closest authorized grade.


Number. Maximal grade allowed.


Number. Minimal grade allowed.


Boolean. Whether sincere voters rescale their utilities to produce grades.

If rescale_grades = True, then each sincere voter v applies an affine transformation to send her utilities into the interval [min_grade, max_grade].

If rescale_grades = False, then each sincere voter v clips her utilities into the interval [min_grade, max_grade].

See ballots for more details.


1d array of integers. scores[c] is the average grade of candidate c.


Number. Interval between two consecutive allowed grades.

If step_grade = 0, all grades in the interval [min_grade, max_grade] are allowed (‘continuous’ set of grades).

If step_grade > 0, authorized grades are the multiples of step_grade lying in the interval [min_grade, max_grade]. In addition, the grades min_grade and max_grade are always authorized, even if they are not multiples of step_grade.


Integer (winning candidate).

Default behavior in superclass ElectionResult:
The candidate with highest value in vector scores is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the tied candidate with lowest index wins.