Tutorial 3: Manipulation

Create a population of 9 voters with preferences over 5 candidates, using the Spheroid model (extending Impartial Culture to utilities):

import svvamp
pop = svvamp.PopulationSpheroid(V=9, C=5)

Create an election, using Instant-Runoff Voting:

election = svvamp.IRV(pop)

Ask SVVAMP whether the voting system meets the Condorcet criterion (in general, not for this particular population):


Coalitional Manipulation

Cf. CM_full() for a definition of this notion.

Check Coalitional Manipulation (CM):


SVVAMP returns a pair (is_CM, log_CM).

For each voting system, SVVAMP uses by default its most precise algorithm running in polynomial time. For IRV, the decision problem is NP-complete, so this polynomial algorithm is not exact. For that reason, is_CM can be a boolean (whether the election is manipulable or not), or the conventional value numpy.nan meaning that the algorithm was not able to decide.

log_CM is a string representing the options used to compute CM. Check the possible options:


The main option is CM_option. Change it and compute CM again:

election.CM_option = 'exact'

Now, the return value is_CM is necessarily a boolean.

You could have set the option as soon as you created the election with the following syntax:

election = svvamp.IRV(pop, CM_option='exact')

Print more details about CM:


Now, SVVAMP also return candidates_CM, an array of boolean indicating which candidates can benefit from CM.

SVVAMP is clever enough: 1. not to do obviously useless computation and 2. not to do the same computation twice.

  1. In this example, when calling CM(), SVVAMP may decide that CM is impossible for candidates 0 and 1, but possible for candidate 2. SVVAMP stops computation and decides is_CM = True.
  2. In that case, when calling CM_full(), SVVAMP does not perform the computation again for candidates 0, 1 and 2.

Other notions of coalitional manipulation

Check Ignorant-Coalition Manipulation (cf. ICM_full()):


Check Trivial Manipulation (cf. TM_full()):


Check Unison Manipulation (cf. UM_full()):

election.UM_option = 'exact'

Individual Manipulation

Cf. IM_full() for a definition of this notion.

Check Individual Manipulation (IM):

election.IM_option = 'exact'

SVVAMP returns a boolean is_IM (whether the election is manipulable by a single manipulator or not) and a string log_IM (the option used to compute IM).

Print more details about IM:


Now, SVVAMP returns (is_IM, log_IM, candidates_IM, voters_IM and v_IM_for_c). candidates_IM indicates which candidates can benefit from IM. voters_IM indicates which voters can and want to perform IM. v_IM_for_c indicates, for each voter v and each candidate c, whether v can and want to manipulate for c.

Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives

Cf. not_IIA_full() for a definition of this notion.

Modify the option in order to compute IIA with an exact (non-polynomial) algorithm:

import numpy
election.IIA_subset_maximum_size = numpy.inf

Check Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA):


SVVAMP returns a boolean (whether the election violates IIA) and a string (the options used to do the computation).

You can ask more information about IIA:


If the election violates IIA, then SVVAMP provides an example of subset of candidates violating IIA and the corresponding winner.